Doc Bryant
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
A look at the world we live in from a Christian perspective from a former FMF Combat Corpsman. Politics. Pop Culture. Religion. And anything else I find interesting at the moment.
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October 14, 2022
The Democrats Call Us Enemies
The Democrats Call Us Enemies
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The Current UK - The Future US - The Only Way to Stop It - A Change of Format

What is currently happening in the UK is a direct result of good men doing nothing for too long, and it will happen here in the US to varying degrees and varying success depending on the state. Given these facts, there is still hope if the people are willing to turn back to God. In other news I will be making a slight change of venue and format, coming home to my people, gamer geeks.

Why I Can't Be Sikh

When a guy comes back from the dead, it behooves me to listen to what He has to say.

The GOP Needs Christians

There is a spiritual push to try to get Christians out of politics in general and the GOP in particular, and we Christians must not retreat in the face of it.

Not Gonna Do It: Deadpool and Wolverine

Just saw a review of #DeadpoolAndWolverine.

As much as I was looking forward to the concept of these two doing a film together years ago, now that Hollywood has fully exposed itself as the sexually deviant, satanic, pedophilic cult they really are, you have no idea how little I care about this, or any other movie right now, especially anything coming from the child groomers at @Disney.

I did watch another, very different Ryan Reynolds movie at home a week ago called IF, and it was fantastic. I don't mean fantastic when compared to all of the Godless filth pervasive on streaming (and I can only assume in theaters) today. I mean fantastic as in it managed to reach down my throat and tear out genuine emotional reactions from my cold, calloused, logic driven, neuro-divergent heart throughout the entire run.

But the word is that Deadpool and Wolverine is exactly what it appears to be, an attempt to pander to the very fans that Disney Marvel made a point of intentionally and maliciously ...

Female Muslim Starts SHAKING LIVE After Learning The TRUTH About Islam | Sam Shamoun
OUCH! Tucker Carlson Embarrasses The Australian Press | Candace Ep 14
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